Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy

At Shared Easel, we work from the foundation that each individual has the strength inside them to become successful in their day to day relationships. Counseling can be a safe place to begin self-exploration in a way that helps one understand who they are, where they come from, and how best to move forward.

We work with individuals, couples, and families in the therapeutic process. Due to developmental needs, I typically work with children ages 8 and older. Younger children age 6 and up are able to participate as a part of family therapy. While children younger than this can be present, I find that it can be difficult for them to attend. When working with children, I ask that parents agree to participate as an active part of the therapeutic process to support their children. As humans, we grow in relationship with others. Therefore, when working with children, the entire family is influenced by and must make adjustments during the process of change. When working as a family, the relationship bonds between family members are strengthened, with the therapist acting as a guide.



Therapeutic Groups