Therapeutic Process Groups

Therapeutic Process Groups are offered on a regular basis for those interested in working within a safe therapeutic community. These groups meet under the leadership of a therapist with the express purpose of working together to improve the mental and emotional health of the group members. These are closed groups which meet for a specific amount of time. Registering participants will be required to complete intake paperwork, meet the requirements of the group, and be able to commit to attending all of the sessions to the best of your ability.

These groups are a great way to support the ongoing work you are dong in individual therapy. We accept client referrals with the notification and approval of your regular ongoing therapist. Throughout the year, we offer groups for families, adults, and youth.

Click the link below explore current group offerings.

If you do not see what you are looking for, please feel free to contact me. You may also check back regularly to find out what is currently being offered or sign up below to join our mailing list.

Group Pricing


Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy


Contracted Services